You’ve heard of an herb garden, but have you considered planting a TEA garden?
Growing herbal teas isn’t just great for enjoying them in a hot brewed beverage, but can also boost your immune system and your mood! Many people find that they are much prouder of themselves for growing herbs themselves.
In this article, we’ll show you which tea plants grow best in Southwest Ohio (or the Dayton and Cincinnati region in Zone 6), and exactly how to grow your tea-lightful garden!

Which Tea Can You Plant in Your Ohio Garden?
Tea tastes better when you grow it yourself. Here are some ideas for your Zone 6 garden:
1. Chamomile
Chamomile grows best in the spring, and is easiest to plant from an already established plant, rather than a seed.
Be sure to plant in a cool environment and in partial shade. This will help the plant to grow strong and steady, as it’s important to avoid a fast-growing plant as much as possible. When a plant grows too fast, it can suffer from being weak and flimsy.
Chamomile benefits you by reducing menstrual pain, lowering blood sugar, and reducing inflammation!
2. Valerian (also known as Catnip!)
Valerian needs full sun to partial shade in the afternoon. Just like Chamomile, starting this Valerian from an established plant is easiest, but it is possible to grow a strong plant by starting the seeds indoors.
Be sure to trim the flowers of Valerian somewhat regularly to encourage more growth throughout its growing season.
The benefits of Valerian include helping with sleep, anxiety, and stress. (and cats love it! Give your cats valerian to give them a great time.)
3. Spearmint
Growing Spearmint is relatively easy. It needs partial shade and well-drained soil to grow well. Simply fertilize monthly and water as needed.
Not only is Spearmint a tasty tea, but it also provides many health benefits.
Spearmint alleviates headaches, gut problems, and sore throats. It can also give relief to nausea and indigestion.

4. Lavender
Lavender grows best in Ohio in spring or early summer. Make sure to plant in full sunlight, and in the summer, provide some partial shade to let the Lavender thrive.
When planting the top of the root ball needs to be even with the soil. This will allow for good draining, as Lavender needs well-drained soil to be healthy.
Lavender is mostly known for its help with sleeping. Not only is the scent soothing, but drinking a Lavender tea can help to calm the body. So, curl up on the couch after work with a steaming cup of Lavender tea to wind down from the stresses of the day.
5. Raspberry Leaf
To harvest Raspberry leaves, you have to grow a raspberry plant! With this two-in-one plant, you’ll be able to have tea, and enjoy a bowl of raspberries along with it.
A Raspberry plant requires well-drained soil, and planting in spring will help them to grow strong and evenly.
Harvesting Raspberry leaves is easy, just like foraging the berries. Simply harvest the leaves when the raspberries are red, and dry them fully to make your tea.
Raspberry Leaf Tea is best known for its benefits for women. Not only can it reduce menstrual pains, but it can also reduce labor pains for pregnant women.

Bonus: Lemon Balm
Lemon balm grows best in cool environments, so planting in spring is perfect for this plant. It needs well-drained soil, and may grow best in sandy loam, but can really be planted in any type of not-too-wet soil.
Slightly moist soil is best for this plant, and requires regular, even watering.
It can help relieve stress and anxiety, as well as boost cognitive function!
Helping You Grow a Healthy Dayton-Area Garden
Here at Stockslagers Greenhouse and Garden Center near Dayton Ohio, we’re here to supply the healthiest plants at affordable prices, but also to answer any questions you have about gardening. We love helping you achieve your gardening goals!
For a little extra support, be sure to join our facebook group, “Gardeners Supporting Gardeners in Southwest Ohio“.