There are many winter houseplants that will be a great addition to your home this season. Today, we’ll go over some of the best options to grow inside your home in the colder months.
These winter houseplants thrive well indoors.
Additionally, these are all plants that people love. Not only are they good for the season, they’re visually appealing. So these would compliment your home decor.
Here are seven amazing winter houseplants for your indoor environment. Let’s see why each plant will make a great addition to your home.
Ctenanthe lubbersiana

This plant with bamboo-like stems can grow up to three feet tall. It does best in indirect light, so it’s perfect for your not-to-bright areas. And you want the soil to be moist, but not drenched. Make sure to fertilize it monthly, and keep it in an area of higher humidity. It does best between 55 to 80 degrees F.
You’ll love this plant because it’s perfect for those dark places where many other plants won’t thrive. Additionally, it’s size and the beauty of its bamboo-like stem and oval leaves make it perfect room decor. Plus, it is non-toxic to both humans and plants. So you don’t have to worry if a curious pet gets too close.
Monstera Deliciosa, split leaf philodendron

This is something that you could see in a rainforest. But it can also make a wonderful indoor winter houseplant.
You’ll want to keep your plant in a place of bright light. And since it is tropical, it does well in a warmer room with at least medium to high levels of humidity. It also can grow quickly. Make sure to give it proper support to keep the stems from breaking. And water it well, and allow to completely dry between waterings.
These flowers are part of what truly makes this plant unique. They can be up to 8 to 12” long and grow into a a long structure. Plus, there is some evidence that it can even remove home air toxicity, Plus, you get to feel like you have a small piece of the jungle in your home!
Croton magnificent

These plants are native to SouthEast Asia. But they can also make a wonderful winter houseplant.
This houseplant will ideally be kept in the sun. However, it can still do well with partial shade. It should be exposed to at least medium humidity. Keep it away from the cold, or any winter area that is subject to drafts. And while it does need much water, it can lose leaves if left to be too dry. And fertilize it a couple of times a year.
This winter houseplant got the name magnificent from its fabulous yellow specks. You’ll find these throughout its leaves. It’s fabulous to look at it due to the variety in leaf shape and its colorful look. Plus, it can grow small flowers which range from white to yellow. Plus, it’s a compact plant that will compliment your smaller spaces.
Spathiphyllum – peace lily

These plants are relatively low-maintenance. However, they still need attention to care or they can die.
They do not require much water. Before watering, check the soil. And if it is still damp, do not add water. Overwatering will cause your plant harm. And while they only need low light, they will bloom more in more light. Finally, they are truly low maintenance and require very little fertilizer.
People love this winter houseplant because the care is so easy. Plus, they help remove toxicity from the air. And because they don’t need a lot of light, they are great for offices or other spaces where there aren’t many windows. Plus, their green leaves with white flowers add beauty to any room.

While these are compact, they will expand vertically and need to be pruned. Otherwise, these are winter houseplants that are low-maintenance.
They are not picky about lighting. So you can keep them in low or brighter light and they will grow well. Plis, they need very little fertilizer and do not require any support until they get older. The soil should partially dry between waterings and you can rotate them when you water to encourage balanced growth.
These are colorful plants and they exhibit a variety of colors and varieties. And this allows you to pick one with colors that stand out to you. Each one is unique and beautiful in its own way. And they’re small stature make them perfect for smaller spaces.
Pepperonis Ginny

This is another winter houseplant that is native to tropical environments.
Pepperonis Ginny does well in bright to moderate light. But indirect light is best so leave it to the side of a window or any other brighter area. And this plant will take quite a bit of water. Just make sure to let it dry out well before watering again. Only fertilize about once a year, preferably in the summer months.
These are loved because of their visually striking nature. Their red stems can really stand out in a sea of green. And the leaves have interesting colors and patterns as well. Plus, this plant is the perfect choice to grow for a beginner. It’s relatively low maintenance, making care simple and straightforward.
Congo Rojo philodendron

The Congo Roo is a plant that is low-maintenance, as long as you provide a warmer environment. But you don’t want to overheat it, as it doesn’t do well in temperatures over 100 degrees. Additionally, you’ll want to keep it in at least partial shade. And you must keep the soil moist, but not too wet. So make sure your soil drains well.
This is a plant with beautiful red, white, and green flowers. Additionally, it’s new leaves can be visually pleasing. They come in a striking red, but then they turn green as they mature. Thus, the rojo (red) in its name. Your home will have a touch of the exotic when you add one of these to your winter houseplant collection.
Stockslagers carries all these fabulous winter houseplants. So make sure to come by today to pick out some new additions to your home collection.